Ezra Miller is charged with domestic assault and battery

Ezra Miller pleads not guilty to burglary charges in Vermont case

(WCAX) — It’s been a year since Ezra Miller was arrested in Burlington.

He pleaded not guilty at his arraignment Friday.

“Just let me talk to my mom and see my girlfriend and see where I’m at,” he said.

He looked down and was crying.

The last time he was in court was almost a year ago, February 8th, police say. He did not make bond in that case.

The Vermont State Police say a warrant for his arrest, which was issued after he was charged with breaking and entering and malicious destruction to property, was based on a call to Vermont State Police that the man had just been seen walking around the apartment complex behind his mother’s house.

Ezra Miller’s first appearance has been set for Thursday, April 4 in Burlington. The arraignment is scheduled for 4:30 p.m.

Ezra Miller said he is very concerned that he’s going to go to jail. He has been to Burlington numerous times this year to see his mom and girlfriend.

“You’re not gonna hear my mom cry.”

The Vermont State Police said he has a domestic violence restraining order in place.

The Burlington Police Department has also charged Miller with domestic assault and battery, disorderly conduct.

Miller also posted bail and will be released on Monday.

He said he’s very thankful he doesn’t have a criminal record.

“It’s really been pretty overwhelming. I’ve been doing my best to not let it get to me.”

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